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Friday, 17 February 2017

Our Beautiful Butterfly

Today after morning tea we arrived back to find that our butterfly had emerged from its chrysalis. First we watched carefully as it clung to the swan plant not able to move until its wings had dried. Secondly when we arrived back after lunch its wings were dried and it had flown outside of our classroom door. Next Mrs Ramsay carefully picked it up and gave it to Sebastian to hold while Steph raced to room five to ask Mrs Harris where the science garden was. After that we walked to the garden so that we could set it free. Finally room five joined us as we set our butterfly free on the swan plant in the science garden. The most interesting part was watching it fly way and when Mrs Harris told us that it was a girl.

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Dudley the turtle

Today we had a lovely surprise when Mrs Mac brought Te Ra to our room with a very interesting pet. Te Ra was holding a small dog bed with something inside. It was all wrapped up in blankets. We thought it was a puppy or kitten. What a surprise we got when he pulled back the blankets and showed us his turtle. His turtle is named Dudley and lives in a tank at his Nana's house. Dudley likes to eat steak. He also likes it when we are very quiet. Thanks Mrs Mac and Te Ra for sharing this with us.
Dudley is quite at home in Room three.

Tuesday, 14 February 2017


Today we had a busy afternoon running, jumping and throwing in preparation for our up and coming athletics day. The Junior school join up and rotate around different activities throughout the afternoon. It was great to see the sun. The students are really enthusiastic about the rotations.
We are getting ready to bunny hop through the hoops. It is quite tricky. Some of us are getting really fast.

Wednesday, 1 February 2017


Room three are learning how to measure by using direct comparison or rulers. Today we designed a bridge that would be wide enough for the Gingerbread man to cross so he wouldn't get eaten.

Spelling Journal

Here of some photographs of us hard at work practising our spelling.


Today Mrs Ramsay showed us how to do our spelling journal. Our spelling journal will help us to spell words correctly. We get to practise writing the words in lots of different ways.

Room 3's Photo on Thursday, 2 February 2017

Easy Blog Photo
Room three students are very excited to be watching our tadpoles grow and change. Thay are an interesting addition to our lovely class.

Room 3's Photo on Thursday, 2 February 2017

Easy Blog Photo
Look carefully. Can you see the chrysalis? I wonder how long until it becomes a butterfly. Hopefully not over the long weekend.